Useful Information
We would like all the children to wear our uniform - Little Fishes polo shirt and sweatshirt (a new polo shirt and sweatshirt are presently £16.45 or £4.10 per second hand item). These will be available on Induction Day or from our administrator Lucy and charged with your first half term’s fees. Alternatively, please dress children in suitable clothes bearing in mind some of the activities can be messy!
Other Clothes
In addition, please supply a pair of plimsolls or other soft shoe for your child to change into when they arrive, as these are much safer when using the large play equipment in particular. Always bring a coat, outside shoes or wellington boots plus in cold weather a hat and gloves and in hot weather a sunhat.
Please also provide a spare set of clothing for your child in a rucksack or similar bag, even if he/she is dry and out of nappies, as accidents of some sort or another can occur.
Ensure all clothes are named.
Any other questions, please contact us.