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Free Early Years Funding 


Free Early Years Education for three and four year olds (EYFE)

All children are entitled to receive free early education from the term after their third birthday for 15 hours per week for 38 weeks per year. Most working parents of eligible three and four year olds are also eligible for additional funded childcare of up to another 15 hours per week per year. Parents/carers will be given a form to complete at the beginning of the term their child is eligible and we will then apply to Surrey Early Years for the EYFE on your behalf.  This applies whichever borough you live in.

Free Early Education for two year olds (FEET)

What is FEET?  FEET funding offers some children aged two years old (from the term after their second birthday) up to 15 hours of free early year education a week for 38 weeks a year.  It not only allows parents to receive free childcare for their child but also provides the opportunity for parents and carers to take up a college course or go back to work as well as providing ideas on how to help their child play and learn.  In order to be eligible to receive FEET funding certain criteria must be met.  

Working parents' entitlement

This offers 15 hours per week for up to 38 weeks per year, for two year olds from the term after they turn two, and an additional 15 hours per week for up to 38 weeks per year, in addition to universal entitlement for those over three at the start of term.  In order to be eligible, certain criteria must be met.  

More Information

Little Fishes is open for 37 weeks a year. Please note you are unable to claim additional week of the full entitlement of 38 weeks at another setting. The optional early morning and lunch club sessions can be included in your funded hours if attended regularly.

For more information on eligibility for early years funding, see Surrey Family Information Service.